
岳飞小时候,家境贫寒。 他年轻时随父母务农,在地主家里当过佃户。 白天协助做家务,晚上跟着父亲学书法读书。 岳飞体格强健。 他小时候就拥有超人的体力。 成年之前,他能拉一把三百斤(约180公斤)的强弓,并能触发八石(约440公斤)的腰弩。 岳飞生性耿直,深厚豪爽,勤奋好学,苦练武功。 又师从当地周通射箭,师从陈光学枪法,成为武林高人。 他还特别爱读《左氏春秋传》和《孙吴兵法》,经常通宵达旦地阅读。 崇和元年(1118年),16岁的孙飞嫁给刘氏。次年六月,生下儿子岳云。 不久,他到相州(今安阳市)韩琦后裔家中务农。 义和四年(1122年),宋金签订《海盟约》共同攻辽时,岳飞应征入伍,任领队参加伐辽。 这一年,因父亲去世,他离开了球队,回家守孝。 两年后,他再次参军。

金军拿下辽朝后,再次发动侵宋战争。 靖康元年(1126年)冬,朝堂大乱。 钦宗的弟弟赵构以“天下兵马元帅”之名,招募志愿民兵。 是兵一郎(八品武官)。 金军围攻北宋都城开封,康王赵构在相州建立大元帅府,岳飞招兵买马。 不久,晋军攻占开封。 次年四月,北宋灭亡,岳飞跟随大元帅府来到南京(今商丘县)。 五月初一,高宗赵构在此登基,建立南宋政权,改名建炎。 岳飞大怒,上书高宗,请求收复失地,抗金,因“小臣违职上书”,被逐出军队。

不久,张锁任河北招兵使,岳飞随军。 渡河攻占新乡县,被金兵围困。 突围后,王衍组织“八字军”抗击金国。 晋升为指挥和控制。


1220年代起,黄河、淮河南北之间,抗金国战争轰轰烈烈爆发。 岳飞与抗金名将宗泽、韩世忠一起站在抗金斗争的最前线。 但是,北宋腐败之后,采取了妥协投降的政策。

1127年(靖康二年),金兵攻破汴京,带走皇亲、文武百官、妻女数千人。 到了金榜,他们受尽了无尽的折磨和屈辱。 有的在当时被残忍杀害,有的饱受折磨痛苦,最后死去。 他们中很少有人幸存下来。 只有秦桧和他的妻子王氏到了燕京,金主吴启麦先将他和他的妻子送给达赖为奴。 秦桧忍无可忍,经常和王氏一起哭泣,说这辈子,他已经失去了才华,如果他成了俘虏,他们就没有前途了。

不料,因为达赖知道秦桧是宋朝状元,也是御史中丞,所以达赖故意上前示威欺压。 她假装不认识他,直到看到他的心渐渐凉了,才借机见了面。 言毕,命其沐浴更衣,将夫妻二人带入府中谈了一阵,命其为军师,随即升为转运使,随军队,对待他们非常友善。

做梦也想不到,这么快就被金兵活活折磨死的俘虏,以及步步高升为大官的秦桧夫妇感动得热泪盈眶。 他们还真是意外,后来又听说达赖不知道自己的妻儿被分到奴队,又听无术提起他的才名,只好找出来重用。 所以,救世主吴叔也是一个。

当时,金榜的大部分兵权都掌握在达赖和武树手中,他们经常请秦桧夫妇赴宴。 后来达赖围攻楚州,秦桧夫妇随军南侵,为金兵谋划,多得信任。

这一天,达赖突然接到武术的来信,说:“大宋人心未死,目前我军虽大获全胜,但全国各地造反的人很多,此外还有岳飞、吴玠、吴磷酸等新晋猛将,长此以往,不仅东南半壁难以兼并,连中原的肥沃土地也难以吞并可能维持不了多久,就目前的计划,只能派一两个宋朝名臣去大捞一笔,故意让他回国,下令和谈,以打动宋主,作为内应,以求得逞。赵构庸懦弱愚蠢,没有野心,一旦听说可以和谈,肯定不会要。***,然后当使用他的权力来控制将士们,我军可以乘虚而入,进则战,退则保。 平战双方都在我军控制之下,这对我们非常有利。”

达赖看了非常高兴,连忙说这是一个妙计。 细数宋代贬官,唯有秦桧有传密之才。 被俘前任御史中丞,曾发表反对金的言论。 他颇有名气,拿来当内应再好不过了。 正要吩咐他夫妇俩一起回去,没想到吴树也看上了秦桧夫妇,还有一封信,除了嘱咐秦桧怎么做,还说:“汪氏的聪明可以保密,有事不妨与她商量。日后若是晋兵横扫东南,立秦桧为王,若是赵苟如对秦桧不利,将统领百万大军为他报仇,秦桧若不照他说的去做,他是绝对不会放过他的。

甘心奉敌为奴的汉奸,自然以有这样的主子撑腰而自豪。 感觉敌人得逞了,就可以称自己为南方的皇帝,成为一国之主了。 纵以江河为界,亦享荣华,永保太子将军之位。 我真的很高兴也很感激。 当着来人的面,交代了这封信,穿上了整齐的金人衣裳,跪下谢恩,说了声“千岁”,阿谀奉承,连眼泪都挤出来了。

达赖自从收到武术的回信,独自偷偷上来商议此事,正巧撞见他,还夸口说:“你真是我金榜的忠臣。” 秦桧夫妇连忙跪下道谢,忍不住擦干眼泪。 达赖一再用好话劝说,他才含泪微笑。 经过数日密谋,达赖赐下大量金珠,派人护送秦桧夫妇上小船,在两军交界处偷偷上岸。 大军逃回。

朝臣中,文武百官被俘的最多,只有秦桧幸免于难,连他的妻子王氏也带来了。 中道二三千里,连经晋人所占之地,渡江渡海,安然抵达。 这一路上疑点重重,都怀疑他是金榜派来的奸细。 秦桧收买昔日与秦桧交好的奸相范宗寅和江安抚平使李晖,极力为秦桧辩解,戏弄赵构宝,称秦桧是忠臣。 于是赵构结识了这对夫妻。

秦桧以为赵构的心思是范宗寅口中说穿的,第一次见到赵构就说:“现在的局势只宜和,不宜战,莫说晋军强盛。” ,我军绝非其敌,圣明陛下纵,文武双全,极易成就天命,神器归来,中兴大业可期。若若两宫回朝,陛下肯定退守诸侯,何况两宫(指赵佶父子)在日本,任用六贼,朝廷失权,人满为患怨。”遂呈上议和之策及与达赖求和之文稿。

惧怕敌人的赵构不想让二贤回朝。 看了秦桧写的稿子,不仅文章写得好,而且把晋国的情况和兵力的强弱,都讲得非常详细有条理。 又惊又喜。 赵构宪虽然多次派人与晋国求和,但对父亲的仇恨和家人流亡的痛苦,他还是记忆犹新。 是和还是战,尚尚拿不定主意。 遇有事,他虽惧敌先逃,但又想依仗一些重臣武将和新征召的汉越军队替他守江淮,多杀敌也乐。 自从秦桧回到朝中后,他就被单独召见在大殿中,密谈了两次,才专心解决与晋人的恩怨,谋求和平,对秦桧的宠爱也一天比一天大。 我很喜欢他。”

赵构非常欣赏秦桧的谋略。 然而,晋人分兵数路,到处烧杀抢掠,攻占州县,一路攻破疆界、原、环。 清株洲。 不是吴玠、吴磷、刘子玉三位大将孤军奋战凤翔,元和尚散关东,大破金军,险些连川都被带走。 对方攻入西河,副总管列维富战死。

金人所占的州县,叛乱者纷纷起义。 当时以河北志愿军最为出名,他们的脸上纹着“一心报国,誓杀金贼”几个大字。 山西红军最著名(先在晋城、长治,后扩及河北、陕西)。 红军力量强大,组织严密。 它用的是建炎的称号,而不是宋朝的官号。 见官民不愿投敌,自金国逃回,慷慨捐衣食,护送出境; 见路上有宋官旗,即引之而去,未曾杀之。 遇到敌人,全力进攻,绝不躲避。 他们声称:“只等官兵过河,不要太多,我们有力量杀光所有的金路。”

曾攻打金军大寨,宗汉大部被擒。 晋人痛恨弘忠,最急于抓捕,但只能通过杀戮平民来泄愤,却得不到真正的弘忠,也无法压制。 忽下密令,令各行各业寻访河南、河北好心人及路上商贩游人,称客。 有的在耳朵上纹上记号,关在云中,卖给金榜军民为奴; . 死者无数,生者苦不堪言。 极少数从敌占区逃往南方的人哭诉着,苦不堪言,不能去看。

臣子按照赵构听从了秦桧的话,只想保全自己的财富,其他的事不管。 仅半年,秦桧就升任丞相。 绍兴二年正月回到临安后,朝臣对秦桧提拔太快感到不满。 并且因为他的狂妄自大,所以跟赵构说话太随便了——主要是谈和谈,金兵却盲目犯罪,继续进攻。 赵构对他失去了信心,便暂时罢免了他。 以往派来求和的使者都被金榜扣押,但金榜从未派使者到宋。

平定曹丞的岳飞,受朝廷命为中卫郎中、武安军使。 此时,伪齐刘裕已迁都汴梁,与晋人合计五十万大军南侵。 命奸臣李氏为先锋,夺取了襄阳府和唐朝。 邓、隋、郢、信阳军等地。 凡被占领的州县,都派人驻守。 一方面,他们计划煽动洞庭湖水寨首领杨默,用军舰进攻越州、鄂州、汉阳、蕲州、黄州。 他们将顺流而下,由李成率领二十万精兵从江西旱道开进浙江,声势浩大。 岳飞、韩世忠等反战派成为赵构、秦桧投降派活动的最大障碍。 南宋朝廷内部反战派与投降派的斗争日趋尖锐。


建炎三年(1129年),镇守卫叛乱时,韩世忠、张俊已出任节度使,相当于今天的军区总司令; 如果硬要打个比方的话,大致相当于今天的团级军官。 而且,张俊曾经是岳飞的老首领,多次重用、提拔、赏赐岳飞。 刘光世是下一任将军,其家世资历经验是岳飞无法比拟的。

1129年,26岁的岳飞从军3年,但由于他只是一个没有乡下出身的青年,虽然屡立战功,但根据民间对武将的打压算八字岳飞,当时的官​​员,他只是吴公朗那样的副将。 陪同杜冲在东京留守旧都汴京(开封)。 宗泽也留守东京。 是时晋擒二世,遂弃城北上。 宗泽临死前应该喊过河才对。 看来他是想收复黄河以北的故土。 且短暂交锋之际,应以黄河为治。 而且现在的黄河,由于抗日战争时期为防止日军南下而改道,河口也发生了很大的变化,入海口也从黄海变成了渤海。 宗泽死后,杜崇留在开封。

1129年6月,奉秦王之名南下的杜​​崇被调往建康(今江苏省南京市)留守,岳飞也率部前往建康。 南宋建炎三年(1129年)秋,岳飞率军在建康(南京)南门外重创金兵,俘虏了大量金兵。 . 岳飞因有功被高宗皇帝召见,赐予金腰带、鞍马、战袍、铠甲等物,命他暂回宜兴待命。 这一年冬,金军渡江南进犯。 杜崇逃走,投降了金。 岳飞率部在茅山地区作战,后转驻广德军中村(今安徽省广德县),又驻扎在宜兴樟竹(今江苏)。 镇附近收编散兵游勇,整顿军纪,稳定局势。 岳飞的母亲、续妻李氏和两个儿子也得到了宜兴。 金兀术逃到江北后,并没有看到追来的宋军,大吃一惊。 休兵后,他放弃北回计划,率军围攻楚州(淮安)、澄州(高邮)。

建炎四年(1130年)春,金军追击宋高宗至明州浙江省宁波市东海,未能追上。 随后大军北撤,在长江中被韩世忠夹击,退守建康。 准备渡江北撤时,岳飞率部猛攻金军,收复建康。

建炎四年(1130年)七月,面对战火纷飞的江北,宋军统帅张俊推荐岳飞担负江北抗金重任,高宗同意奏,“岳飞升同台镇使,亦知泰州。” . 岳飞在宜兴接到命令后,迅速调练三军,准备北上与金兵作战。 八月,晋兵围楚州,江北战事紧张。 8月19日,岳飞率军从宜兴北上。 23日,全军抵达江阴渡口,因无船滞留江南。 岳飞心急如焚,亲自率领一队轻骑渡江,于8月26日抵达台州城。 此时,泰州城已被去年扬州来犯之敌劫掠一空。 知州增坂交出金币而去。 城内没有士兵驻守,街道萧条,满目疮痍。 岳飞安抚百姓,固守城防,严明军纪。 他没有为人民做任何事,并赢得了人民的支持。 大军抵达泰国稍作休整时,岳飞为救褚保泰,率军经三墩(三多)上前线。 这时,承州失守,岳飞飞来禀报朝廷,同时转战承楚。 经过一个多月的血战,牵制住了敌人,“三战三捷”。 自楚、楚两州失守后,宋高宗“征费守同台”,岳飞在末年(南宋建炎三年)吸取了柴墟的经验)他与黄金作战并取得了胜利。 “澄州北滩村师傅”无奈放弃台州便柴墟。 一路上,金兵截杀,金兀术心高气傲,一心要为建康之败报仇雪恨,死死抱住岳家大军不放。 岳家大军边退边战,自“北滩村至柴墟,屡战屡胜”,大败金兵之气,扎营柴墟城外,伺机而动。 此时敌强我弱,岳飞奉命“若不可守,护沙洲之民,伺机掩击”。 此时柴墟一带,有两淮地区避战逃难的难民有一万余人。 视百姓如父母的岳飞,以掩护百姓安全撤退为首要任务。 为了不让金兵追击,他决定以攻为守,打败金兵的气魄。 当时,柴墟(港)南、西临河,北临浣溪(刁浦)。 河网纵横交错,有利于岳家大军对敌。 晋兵蓄势待发,南八桥之战一触即发。 ;

南坝桥位于柴墟城北14里、台州城南20里的南巴塘济川河畔。 由于地形复杂,这里成了天然的战场。 面对强敌,岳飞审时度势,机智灵活。 他没有使用老阵法,而是利用有利地形,巧妙布下迷魂阵,诱敌入坑,然后一一击破。 沿江柴许城外有大量流民,金兵不得靠近。

柴墟城墙是公元1127年“靖康之乱”后,泰兴县令马尚用土坯筑成的,经不起金兵的猛攻。 不熟水是金兵的弱项,战场应该放在柴墟以北的河网一带。 岳飞慎重考虑后,召集众将在柴墟东郊的大帅帐内商议此事。 将领们了解了作战方针和部署后,一个个下达了军令,提着箭就走了。 此时,“岳飞部将有岳衡、符卿、刘靖、王贵、张先”,只有张先率部留在宝柴墟城。

绍兴元年正月,朝廷命张俊为江淮招安使。 李承兵这么厉害,张俊有些害怕。 他知道眼前的将领中只有岳飞智勇双全,所向披靡,便让赵狗豹招收岳飞为副手。 二月,岳飞赴鄱阳与张俊会师,三月初三攻打洪州。 匪徒在西山安营扎寨,宋军无法渡河。 张俊和他的将领们都惧怕敌人,没有办法抵御敌人。

从庐山回来的张苞和王衡告诉岳飞,婆婆媳妇我都见过了。 婆婆知道江淮一带敌人很多,跟着大军不便很多。 李舒还说,住在山里清幽,适合疗养。 婆婆这几年怕冷怕热,战祸平息了才能起床。

岳飞虽然思母心切,但军情危急,他也无能为力。 次日对张俊说:“土匪贪得无厌,不知何去何从。岳飞无才,欲为前锋。” 张军只得答应。

早已备好筏快艇的岳飞,带着三千骑兵,绕到圣弥渡上游。 他第一个跳马过河。 与宋军对峙的是李诚的副统领马进,手下兵马十万余人,土匪众多。 没想到岳飞会从上游过河,突然袭击他的右侧。 贼军大乱之际,牛皋、王贵等人听从岳飞的吩咐,分兵十余人渡江。

马进带着剩下的五千骑逃了二十五里。 因岳飞追得太近,马又快,身边只有张苞、王衡、岳云三人。 张献和四十、五十名轻骑兵。 刚追到一座桥,桥突然塌了。 河面宽阔,后面的人立刻被截断。 马进回头看见,急忙引众匪徒围攻。 打头阵的是姜震,他手执大剑,最为勇猛,呼啸着迎面而来,岳飞一箭应下。 紧接着他和岳云、张显连发弩箭射死了十几个山贼头目,这才发出杀戮的呐喊声,迎了上去。 牛皋等人随后赶到,用树搭起浮桥,杀了将领。 土匪们吓得狼狈逃往均州。 岳飞紧追不舍,马进率领叛军十万余人出城,布下了十五里长的大阵。

十一日,双方交战算八字岳飞,岳飞已伏兵。 又吩咐张苞手持一面绣有白字“越”字的大红旗,跟在后面。 带着两百轻骑兵向前挑战。 贼人欺人,往前围攻。 宋军四处埋伏,再次击溃贼军。

张苞被岳飞命令挥舞着红旗,士兵们齐声喊道:“只要你们坐下投降,不再追匪,你们就不会死!” 八万多名土匪投降。 花了三天的时间,才把枪支、刀具、盔甲、马匹等收拾得干干净净。 马进正要逃往建昌向李成求救,岳飞却带着轻骑一同前去。 他从小路赶到朱家山日夜埋伏。 连杀投降的有五千多人,只有马进先逃了出来。

李成听了大怒,率领十万余人马迎敌。 岳飞与娄子庄对峙,李成又败。 从地方到江州、锦州,追至马家渡后,先后杀伤贼二万三万,俘虏七万至八万,杀马进、孙坚等名贼数十人。 一千多匹马,无数的衣服、盔甲、粮食和装备。 李成几次被招降,他都拒绝了。 最终,李成投奔了傀儡齐六玉,江淮也渐渐平静了下来。 张俊满心欢喜,自不必说。

岳飞刚追马进,牛皋劝道:“兄长常说,这些贼都是内忧外患所迫,不应与他们为敌。很勇敢,让他过来?” 为了我?”


又命人招揽张勇、马进手下逃走的数万土匪。 除了淘汰老弱,送回田间外,还选拔了一万多名精锐。 以朝廷平定江淮的功劳,岳飞首当其冲。 升任建州观察使,暂驻洪州。 招降的土匪,大都是由其他将领率领的。

江淮平定后不久,匪徒范如微再次俘获邵武军。 绥靖使李徽命令岳飞出兵保护建昌和福州。 到处张贴告示,大意是土匪投降,来者不拒,敢入境者死! 零星的土匪看到“越”字军旗和布告,无人敢入,百姓大喜。

这时,婆媳二人已经接到了洪州衙门。 岳飞奉朝廷之命讨伐大盗曹丞,并出兵河州。 行军酷暑,曹丞以计兵马杀数十万马。 曹丞一会儿杀了一会儿,败了一会儿,从河州太平场撤退了。 Fleeing to Beizangling and Shangwuguan, more than 100,000 remnants were collected, and they defended against danger, but were attacked one after another. His brave general Yang Zaixing was also surrendered because he and Yue Fei were old friends. The prefectures and counties in the Wuling area occupied by Yue Fei were all broken by Yue Feis troops. He was so weak that he had to lead the remnant soldiers to flee all the way and surrendered to Han Shizhong. In December, Yue Fei was promoted to the commander of Shenwu deputy army again.

In February of the second year of Shaoxing (1132), Yue Fei led his troops to crusade against the bandit Cao Cheng, and surrendered Cao Chengs general Yang Zaixing. In May, Cao Cheng surrendered to Han Shizhong under Yue Feis pursuit. In June, Yue Fei was ordered to be stationed in Jiangzhou (now Jiujiang City, Jiangxi). At this time, the Yue Family Army already had an army of 24,000 people.

During the third year of Shaoxing from March to June 1133, Yue Fei was ordered to suppress the peasant uprisings in Jizhou (now Jian City, Jiangxi Province) and Qianzhou (now Ganzhou City, Jiangxi Province). After returning to Jiangzhou, he was ordered to take Yue Yun to Hangzhou to meet Emperor Gaozong in September. Song Gaozong personally wrote a pennant with the four characters Jing Zhong Yue Fei to Yue Fei, and appointed Yue Fei as the anti-gold general and the founding marquis of Wuchang County. Yue Fei led the heroic Yue Family Army to the front line of the Anti-Golden War and stationed in Jiangzhou; the name of the Yue Family Army was changed to Shenwu Houjun. In December, Niu Gao, Dong Xian and other troops joined the Yue familys army.

In the fourth year of Shaoxing in May 1134, the Southern Song court agreed to Yue Feis plan to recover Xiangyang, Deng and other six counties. After more than three months of fighting, they recovered Xiangyang (now Xiangfan City, Hubei), Deng (now Deng County, Henan), Tang (now Tanghe County, Henan), Sui (now Suizhou, Hubei), Ying (now Zhongxiang County, Hubei) and Xinyang (now Xinyang, Henan) six prefectures. In the battle against Suizhou (now Suixian County, Hubei Province), Yue Feis 16-year-old eldest son, Yue Yun, won the first prize with hammers weighing 80 jin each. First boarded the city wall of Suizhou, and since then, he has won the reputation of being the champion of the three armies. In Xiangyang, Yue Fei saw through the enemys cavalry to defend the river bank and infantry to form a broad field, and ordered the generals to attack the enemys cavalry with infantry armed with spears, causing them to fall into the river in chaos. He also used cavalry to kill the enemy infantry until they lost their helmets and armor, defeating the main force of the puppet Qi. In just three months, the six prefectures were successfully recovered, the middle reaches of the Yangtze River were preserved, the road to Sichuan and Shaanxi was opened, the passive situation in the Southern Song Dynasty was reversed, and the courage and confidence of the army and the people to resist the enemy were enhanced. The Yue familys army fought bravely and had strict discipline. It was known as the house will not be demolished to death from freezing, and the house will not be plundered to death from starvation. This time, Yue Fei regained the lost prefectures and counties according to the predetermined plan. The highest honor of the Song Dynasty. Yue Fei, who was 32 years old this year, was the youngest person to receive this title at that time, and no one could compare with him at that time.

In September of this year, the allied forces of the Jin Dynasty and the puppet Qi Dynasty avoided Yue Feis defense area and crossed the Huaihe River to the south. The army and the puppet Qi army were defeated by them.

In February 1135, in the fifth year of Shaoxing, Yue Fei was appointed as the envoy of the Zhenning and Chongxin Army Jiedu, and then ordered to suppress Yang Mos uprising army. At this time, Wang Jun belonged to Yue Feis army. In June, Yue Fei disintegrated the rebel army by combining political inducement and military suppression, and incorporated tens of thousands of rebel troops and several government troops. In September, Yue Feis official title was promoted to inspector and minor security guard. In December, Yue Feis position was promoted to envoy, and the designation of the Yue Family Army was also renamed the Rear Guard Army, which was the same as Zhang Juns Central Guard Army, Han Shizhongs Front Guard Army, Liu Guangshis Left Guard Army, and Wu Jies Right Guard Army. , is the five main forces of the Southern Song Dynasty; Yue Fei, Han Shizhong, Liu Guangshi, and Zhang Jun are also known as the Four Generals of Zhongxing in the Southern Song Dynasty.

In March 1136, in the sixth year of Shaoxing, Yue Fei was promoted to the deputy envoy of Xuanfu in the west of Beijing and Hubei. At this time, the prime minister and governor of the Route Army Ma Zhang Jun organized Yue Fei, Han Shizhong, and Zhang Jun to attack the Central Plains. In July, after Yue Fei was stationed in Xiangyang, he immediately sent troops to the Northern Expedition. The East Route Army Niugao Lianke Zhenru Jun (now north of Tanghe County) and Caizhou (now Runan), and the West Route Army Wang Gui and Dong Xian captured Lushi, Shangzhou (now Shang County, Shaanxi), Luanchuan, Yiyang (now Song County) and other places are only a hundred miles away from Luoyang. In September, due to the lack of food transportation, the troops had to withdraw. Soon, he was ordered to help Huaixi. In November, due to the provocation of the Jin army and the puppet Qi, he once again led troops to the Northern Expedition. As far as Caizhou was attacked, the enemy was defeated and took the initiative to withdraw.

In the first month of the seventh year of Shaoxing, Yue Fei was appointed by Zhao Gou as Xuanfu Envoy and Yingtian Ambassador. Yue Fei immediately expressed his military situation and said: The Jin people established Liu Yu in Henan. They really wanted to tea poison the Central Plains and use China to attack China, but he took advantage of this to rest his troops and raise horses, and took the opportunity to annex him. Get rid of Liu Yu and his son, first recover the lost land in Henan and Hebei, so that the enemys power will become stronger and stronger, and the future disasters are unimaginable! I hope that your Majesty Xu Chen will act cheaply. Whenever there is a chance, the minister will lead the army and attack Bianjing directly. .Luoyang, then occupy Heyang, Shanfu, and Tongguan to recruit those rebel generals. Gyeonggi and Shaanxi will be recovered naturally; His Majesty will order Han Shizhong and Zhang Jun to recover the counties in the east of Jing, and it will be successful. The ministers will pide the troops into Jun, Hua, and strategically. In Lianghe, Liu Yu and his son will surely be captured, and the Jin army will also be defeated. This is the permanent strategy of the country. If there are still obstacles for the time being, order Ru, Ying, Chen, and Cai Jianbi to clear the field, and Shangyu and Guolue will pide their settlements. Crucial point. When the enemy sees that our army has retreated, he will definitely attack in the south. When he comes, the ministers will personally lead the generals to wait for work, first dampen his spirit, or take advantage of his long-term fatigue and fatigue, and pide his troops to defeat them. The enemy soldiers are far away. , which is conducive to quick battle, and if you are repeatedly defeated, you will inevitably retreat. The minister will set up more ambushes, cut off his return, intercept and attack him, and wipe out his main force, and then Xu Tu will move again. If the enemy sees me. In the same way as in the second time, they invaded the Huai River with all their strength, or attacked Sichuan from the east to the west, and the minister led the troops to drive straight to his lair. The enemy was exhausted and exhausted sooner or later. Even if this year fails, next year will be hopeful. Ten thousand, spending thousands of dollars a day, disturbing 700,000 households internally and externally, is this a trivial matter? However, the ancients ordered to leave the army, the people will no longer serve, and the food will no longer be registered. It is enough to worry about Zhou. The current minister is Qu Yuan. In the upper class, traveling thousands of miles to the imperial court, there is always the worry of insufficient food. Therefore, in the autumn, the ministers and soldiers went deep into Shaanxi and Luo, and some died of starvation in the village. Hypocrisy, loyal people are robbed and killed, and it is the crime of all ministers. Today, it is up to your majesty to command and order, and to be courteous is a matter, so that ministers can concentrate on calming down and dont mess up their size with soldiers and food. Then plan and judge, Fang It can help such a great event....

Yue Fei worked hard loyally, and Zhao Gou couldnt help being moved when he saw the orderliness of the performances, and repeatedly delivered decrees to commend him. Yue Fei turned back to the defensive line and was stepping up training and stockpiling food, motivating the soldiers, and preparing to take back the Central Plains, but Qin Hui strongly advocated peace talks, and told Zhao Goumi: There is no two kings in the country. Talking about the strength of the Jin people, Yue Fei cant succeed; even if After succeeding and welcoming Yuansheng (Zhao Heng) back, what should His Majesty do with himself?

At that time, Zhao Gou listened to the plan. Its not that Yue Fei said that he failed to implement all the items, and he used excuses to demote Zhang Jun, the commander-in-chief of the main combat faction at that time, to a distant state and county, and even dismissed the governors mansion. It wasnt Zhao Dings persuasion that he was almost killed. Yue Fei repeatedly asked to send troops to recover the Central Plains, but each time Zhao Gou refused to allow it. He just said a few good words and passed the matter perfunctorily.

Yue Fei was very anxious at first, after many days of planning, he felt that Liu Yu was set up by Nianhan, since Wushu and Dalai were not compatible with Nianhan, as long as there is a chance, this serious harm can be eliminated. Su Mings confidants checked the enemys real situation, and every day he was thinking about how to use no troops, and first remove Liu Yu and his son, so as to avoid the courts worries.